Friday, April 23, 2010

Pies and Tarts, or Another "Green Tomato" Incident!

This week in my Professional Baking class at The New School of Cooking the subject was pies and tarts.  Carol's recipe produced a light flakey crust that was delicious.  We used all butter with just a tablespoon of sugar to soften the starchiness of the flour. 

Pie Crust:   Combine 2 1/2 cups all purpose (AP) flour, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1 Tablespoon of sugar, 8 ounces of cold butter, and 6-8 Tablespoons of ice water.  I worked it with the tips of my fingers--like playing a piano, not squeezing--until it felt like wet sand with pea-sized pieces.  Then formed it into a ball.  

The secret is not to over-mix.  Pie dough should look like marble--not smooth. I loosely double wrapped the ball in plastic wrap and then pressed it flat about the size of a large pancake and put it in the refrigerator.  It should stay at least one hour, but is still good for up to 3 days. Or you can freeze it for a couple of months and then defrost in the fridge before rolling.  This recipe makes a double crust (top and bottom).  

I also learned that when you roll out your dough, it is a one shot deal!  If it cracks and tears, don't double roll.  Just piece it together like a puzzle and press. It will smooth out as it bakes. 

We made Apple Pie: Mix together 6 cups peeled and sliced apples, 1/2 cup sugar (brown or white or mixed),  1/1/2 Tablespoons of flour, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, dash of salt, and then fill pie crust forming a nice rounded mound.  Cut 3 Tablespoons of butter into bits and tuck and dot around filling.  Cover with top crust, seal and flute. Cut steam holes.  Brush top with cream and sprinkle with sugar.  Bake 350 degrees 40-50 minutes or more till done.
Next we made a Lemon Tart. The tart dough is slightly different: 2 1/2 cups AP flour, pinch of salt, 1/2 cup sugar, 8 ounces butter, slightly soft and diced, 1 egg, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla.  Combine flour, salt and sugar.  Cut in butter.  Combine egg and vanilla and add to flour-butter mixture.  Mix with hands to form a nice smooth dough.  Blind bake: Place dough in tart form: special pan with pop out bottom, place parchment over the crust, fill with dried beans as weights, cut parchment leaving a couple of inches of parchment beyond edge of pan.  Bake 350 degrees filled 10 minutes, Remove parchment and weights and bake another 10 minutes.  Fill with lemon curd and bake another 5- 10 minutes.   

Lemon Curd: Combine 4 whole eggs, 4 egg yolks, 1 cup sugar, zest from 2 lemons, 3/4 cup lemon juice in a stainless steel bowl over a pot of boiling water (bain marie).  Add 8 ounces of diced butter and cook, whisking occasionally until thick. Strain into tart shell.  Bake as described above.

Now for the Green Tomato Incident!
Many years ago, when my daughter Claire was about three years old, I planted my first vegetable garden which included about 6 tomato plants.  I was so excited when I saw them sprouting little green balls--and so, you may have guessed, was Claire.  I vividly remember her bouncing into the kitchen proudly displaying two pails full of little green balls!  I was devastated--and have never forgotten it.  

Well...a similar thing happened to me this morning.  Yesterday I brought home my apple pie which I was looking forward to showing off..and enjoying of course.  My husband and I each had a small piece at dinner.

Well, when I woke up this morning and walked into the kitchen, this is what I saw!!!!!!!!!!!!
All I could think of was Claire and the little green balls.  Now it was Bruce and an empty pie dish!  After apologizing, he said I should be flattered: it was irresistibly good.  Plus he left enough for me to get this photo as evidence.  How could I be mad at either one of them?

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