Thursday, April 1, 2010

Simple and Delicious.

Since I had left-over Chocolate Ganache from my cupcakes last week, I put it to good use.  It hardens in the frig, so I popped it in the microwave for a minute or two until it softened enough to stir easily.  Then I dipped fresh organic strawberries into the melted chocolate and placed them on a dish to sit a minute.  We ate a few with the chocolate still soft and warm--mmm--and put the rest in the frig to harden and be enjoyed later.
(Chocolate Ganache: 2 cups of good quality chocolate chips in medium bowl; 1 1/2 cups of heavy cream in saucepan to a simmer--pour over choc. chips, wait 30 seconds, stir until melted and blended.)


  1. oh my.....what a fabulous treat. it's spring in boston & the strawberry plants i put in last year are bursting with growth.....finally spring is here. thank you for sharing this luscious recipe!

  2. Choc covered strawberries are my fave!
